Newtab docs

BG Colour Broken on Some Themes

Background colour with the inbuilt custom CSS editor is broken on surface and deep themes, This is because of how CSS handles gradient backgrounds. The code for the surface.css gradient (as an example) is as follows: background: linear-gradient(135deg, #1b2c56, #1d2a52, #1f2850, #21264d, #23254a, and so on...); This causes this background to override a background-color style, and seems to also override a background: linear-gradient() style.

Theme Sources

Deep Theme, Surface Theme, Pitchdark Theme. They are designed to be used on any webpage with a link tag or a @import at the top of the css. They contain just enough for newtab and wTextitor at the moment, so if you want anything added just contact me.
The font used within them all is Montserrat, plus a font stack of Gill Sans, Calibri and Helvetica.