Not Cheese

Made Up Continent

Basic Infomation about when it's set

This is set in the victorian era, after the industrial revolution (~1900 AD)

Any ideas for it, email [email protected]

The 2nd Serene Kingdom of Pasmoium (Pass - mo - ee - um)

Basic Stats

Population: 21.36 million

GDP: $3.21 trillion

Land Area: 121,392 Km2

Ideology: 'Serene' Kingdom

Average Income: $52,320

Leader: Serene King Sevenian III

Denonym: Pasomian

Advanced Infomation

Literacy Rate: 72%

Homelessness Rate: 12%

Unemployment Rate: 16.2%

Poverty Rate: 23.4%

Average Rent (Urban): $46 per month

Average Rent (Countryside): $31 per month

Life Expectancy: 74.2 years


The Pasmoium Kingdom was founded in 706 AD along the Asniom River by refugees (led by Dvontu Dastab) from the Tslind (S-l-ind) Breakdown (A war of many revolts that led to the collapse of the 1st Tslind Empire). Dvontu Dastab became the King after he lead them to this new land. He ruled for 30 years with his wife Chanin Sutiyuq (Sooty-uck) and had 3 children: Parjave (Par - have) born in 721, Jupanaka (Jump - an - ack - her), and Arsuña. Arsuña inherited the throne after Dvontu died and ruled fairly. He implemented a court system with supposedly neutral judges (the first proper court system on the continent). In 751 AD, he died and was replaced by Jupanaka, a harsh and vicious ruler.

The Jupanaka Era: 751AD - 771 AD

Jupanaka ruled with fear and terror.