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Storage - SSD

SSD Type Price/TB
CheeseSSD 2 Gen4 NVMe SSD £40
ChungusDrive 3.2 SATA SSD £25
ValueStor V5 Gen3 NVMe SSD £25
Jasper 4K Gen5 NVMe SSD £125


CheeseSSD 2, now only £159.99 (for 4TB)

It gets 7000MB/s read speeds, and 6900MB/s write speeds. CheeseSSD claims it is also the fastest SSD for normal small-file use, topping out at 69 Million read IOPS.


ChungusDrive 3.2, priced £499.99 (for 20TB)

This is an amazing drive to get if you are looking for a high-capacity SSD drive with a reasonable (at least for the capacity) drive. It gets 600MB/s read and write speeds, topping out the SATA interface.

Best Value Boot Drive

ValueStor V5, priced £24.99 (for 1TB)

We recommend you use this drive as a value boot drive, it is an NVMe Gen3 SSD, topping out at 3000MB/s read and 2800MB/s write. It also boasts 2 Million read IOPS, letting it be fast enough for all Windows, JasperOS and Linux Mint needs.

Best Gen5 SSD

Jasper 4K SSD, priced £124.99 (for 1TB)

This drive is for RAW SPEED! It has a whopping 15GB/s read and write speeds, and 42.0 million IOPS, for the best performing drive you have ever seen. It is expensive, but is the best.

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Storage - HDD

HDD Type Price/TB
ReliaPlanet NAS Pro NAS/Enterprise Drive £25
BackupMaster Speed Performance Drive £30

Best NAS Drive

Reliaplanet NAS Pro, priced £249.79 (for 10TB)

The Reliaplanet NAS Pro has the ability to be RAIDed with up to 64 other drives, making it perfect for large storage arrays. It is also reasonably priced, making it the perfect drive for your redundant mass storage needs.

Best Performance Drive

BackupMaster Speed, priced £120 for 4TB

The BackupMaster Speed is a great drive to use for games in your computer, or in an external hard drive enclosure. It provides lots of speed (up to 300MB/s) for your workloads, however isn't great in RAID arrays.

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Processors - CPU

CPU Type Price/Cinebench point
FlyingCPU W Í6 6666XE Workstation CPU £0.0175
HyperCPU Yeze H77 Gaming CPU £0.02
ASR Va3 Value CPU £0.015

Best Workstation CPU

FlyingCPU W Í6 6666XE, priced £400

This CPU is a great workstation CPU, scoring over 23000 points in Cinebench multi-core. It has 18 cores, which is great for multi-threaded applications, such as rendering video or compliling programs.

Best Gaming CPU

HyperCPU Yeze H77, priced £320

This CPU is a great gaming CPU. It scores 16000 points in Cinebench, and while this isn't as much as the FlyingCPU, it gets over double its FPS in most games, thanks to its 10 cores being much faster per core than the FlyingCPU's.

Best Value CPU

ASR Va3, priced £160

This CPU is an amazing value option, scoring 9000 Cinebench points, while coming it at only £160. This is one of the best value CPUs we've ever seen! It will work great in your basic PC, or even for some medium-load gaming or photo editing, but will not work for those who want to get the most out of their PC.

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Processors - GPU

GPU Type Price/Furmark point
HyperGPU Y WS9050 Workstation GPU £0.01
DXQ SS 8080 Gaming GPU £0.0125
ASR Vg FW 6060 Value GPU £0.009

Best Workstation GPU

HyperGPU Y WS9050, priced £500

This GPU is an amazing GPU to get as a workstation card, complete with 20GB of ram and a score of 50,000 in furmark (1080p preset).

Best Gaming GPU

DXQ SS 8080, priced £320

The DXQ SS 8080 is an amazing gaming GPU. Featuring 18GB of VRAM, and 25000 on Furmark, for the price of £320. This may not score as much on furmark as the HyperGPU, but gets 1.4x the FPS in games, for a lot cheaper.

Best Value GPU

ASR Vg FW 6060, priced £160

This GPU offers an impressive 17750 points in furmark, beting anything else in its price point. It also has 10GB of VRAM, so it will continue to be a value option for years to come.

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Memory - RAM

RAM Type Price/GB
SheepRAM Gaming 5200MHz Gaming RAM £2
Nanon Laptop RAM 4800 Laptop SODIMM RAM £1.90
ReliAM ECC DDR5 5200 Server (ECC) RAM £2.50

Best Gaming RAM

SheepRAM Gaming 5200MHz, priced £32 (for 16GB)

This RAM is excellent value if you are looking for fast RAM for your gaming computer. It is DDR5, like all of our other recommended RAM, giving it compatibility and upgradeablility for the future.

Best Laptop RAM

Nanon Laptop RAM 4800, priced £30.40 (for 16GB)

This is Nanon's best value DDR5 laptop RAM. While it doesn't look amazing, it features 4800MHz speeds, well above what is needed for consistent performance on your laptop. Furthermore, it is available at a 10% discount for Framework Laptop users when you customise your laptop.

Best Server/ECC RAM

ReliAM ECC DDR5 5200, priced £40 (for 16GB)

This ECC RAM is a great DDR5 kit from ReliAM. It is designed to be reliable, and in our testing over a 1 month period only produced a 0.0032% failure rate.

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